Edinburgh Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers


About the Guild

The Edinburgh Guild holds monthly Saturday meetings (usually the third Saturday) at Craiglockhart Church, Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh.

Our aims are to further the crafts of weaving, spinning and dyeing, to learn from each other as well as from experienced craft tutors, and to create opportunities to display and pass on our skills. We are members of the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers (www.wsd.org.uk).


Annual membership runs from 1st August to 31st July and costs £25. Nine months membership = £19; Six months = £13; Three months = £7.

Junior membership = £12.

Visitor, day = £5.

Click here for membership form.

Our members enjoy a sociable day spent with like-minded, creative people and like finding out about new and different textile and related crafts: knitting, crochet, felting, embroidery, basket making, paper crafts and colour design to name but a few, as well as our main three: weaving, spinning and dyeing.

Edinburgh Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers is a registered Scottish charity, no: SC005692.

Come for a day or any part of the day; our business announcements are usually around noon if you want to keep up to date with current events.

Bring your spinning wheel and/or current projects or just come and see what we do and join in. Members can hire weaving and spinning equipment and can borrow from our library of craft books (see Resources page).

The Guild has:

An Instagram account called Edinburghguildweavespindye whose purpose is to spread awareness of our activities and to encourage new members to join.

A group on Ravelry, the online community for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, weavers and dyers: www.ravelry.com/groups/edinburgh-guild-wsd.

© Stephen Balmer    Email: wm then @ then stephenbalmer.co.uk