Edinburgh Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers




The listed items of equipment are held by the Guild and can be borrowed by members for a £50 deposit and £10 monthly charge except tapestry looms £10 deposit and no monthly charge. The charge assists with the upkeep of equipment and other expenses.

Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel Picture

Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel

Not all of the equipment will be brought to each meeting. If you would like to borrow something particular, please email (see Contact page) in advance. Otherwise speak to someone on the committee (see Committee page) at a meeting.


"Reference only" books will be taken to every meeting along with the books relevant to that month's Interest Group.

The loan fee is £1 per book per month and members should email in advance (see Contact page) if they want to borrow a book that won't be brought to that month's meeting, e.g. they want to borrow a weaving book in a month when there is no Weaving Interest Group.

Click here for the Guild Library Spreadsheet.

© Stephen Balmer    Email: wm then @ then stephenbalmer.co.uk